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Polling locations across the District.
Election Day for the District of Columbia
Candidates for: Presidential Nominee, Delegate to the US House of
Representatives, At-Large Member of the Council of DC, Ward
Member of the Council (Wards 2,4,7 & 8), US Senator, US
General Election Timeline:
Mon, April 29: Board of Elections begins mailing ballots
Fri, May 10 – Tues, June 4: Ballot drop boxes available for use
June 4, 2024: Primary Election Day (7AM-8PM); Deadline to
deposit ballots in drop boxes at 8PM
Tues, June 11: Special ballot verification of eligibility due
Fri, June 14: Deadline for receipt of all mailed ballots
Wed, July 3: Certification of election results
DC Statehood and civic engagement presentation to youth
Church of the Redeemer (Near Rhode Island St. NE)
LWVDC will make a make a 15-20 minute presentation to Girl Scouts who are earning a Democracy badge. Topics include engaging young people in the voting process, DC statehood, history of LWV and women as voters.
The League of Women Voters of the District of Columbia Board of Trustees meets monthly.
Voter Registration and participation in the Naturalization Ceremony
Join us to strategize about DC statehood after the November election. Our next steps will depend on who is President and the make up of the next Congress.